Welcome to Health and Rights Education Programme Malawi


HREP Malawi advocates for health rights for all in strengthening governance and accountability in health.  We work to attain this through  ; (1) Advocacy for transparent policies - HREP Malawi advocates for the development and implementation of transparent health policies by pushing for policies that emphasize accountability mechanisms , including regular reporting and disclosure of information . (2) Community engagement - We educate communities about theri rights to quality healthcare services and facilitate comunity participation in health planning , monitoring and evaluating the processees for as a means of accountability . (3) Monitoring health service delivery- HREP Malawi works to establish mechanisms to monitor the quality abd accessibility of health services and conduct regular assessments of health facilities and services to identify gaps and areas for improvement. (4) Partnerships with health facilities, Networking and alliances - HREP Malawi aimes to collaborate with health facilities to establish accountability framworks and work also with health care providers to implement patient satisfaction surverys and address identifies concerns , we also partner with other civil society organisations and non-state actors to make sure that there is accountability at all levels. on this area we also aim to pool resources and expertise to amplify advocacy efforts  (5)Use of Technology for accountability - with a focus on digital health, we are also aiming to leverage technology for real-time monitoring and reporting of health service delivery . (6) Policy analysis and research- HREP Malawi aims to conduct research and policy analysis on helath sector governance and accountability , by also publishing reports and findings to inform the public , policymakers and stakeholders about the state of accountability in the health sector.